Fight Fatigue with IV Infusion

Are you tired all the time despite your efforts to get more sleep and eat better? Instead of turning to Starbucks or Red Bull to get you through the day, we invite you to consider a safer, more natural and more sustainable way to regain energy.

Intravenous (IV) infusion might be the answer to overcome your afternoon slump. Just one IV infusion treatment can fuel your body with powerful vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fluids that go directly into your bloodstream. Your body may be lacking the vitamins and nutrients it needs to pick up the pace and function at its best. IV drip therapy bypasses your gastrointestinal tract, which is where your caffeine and energy drinks must first be processed before they can provide their temporary boost.

Custom Wellness from a Needle

One of the benefits of infusion therapy is that it can easily be customized to your needs. Depending on the specific patient, we have several different IV mixtures to address your fatigue, which may involve solutions that specifically combat stress, jet lag or dehydration. We can even concoct a “pre-game” IV drip to help athletes perform their best and fight fatigue during intense play or competition.

What to Expect During IV Infusion

When you come in for an IV therapy session at Wellness Infusion Specialists, we will provide a comfortable experience at every step. Once seated, we will insert a thin needle into your arm, which connects to your custom infusion bag of fluids. We encourage our patients to sit back and relax for the next 30-45 minutes as the IV bag releases an energizing blend of nutrients into their body. Your body benefits almost instantly at a cellular level!

Once your IV infusion therapy session is complete, you are free to return to your normal activities. There is no downtime or special instructions to adhere to after IV infusion treatment. In fact, many patients feel more energized by the time they walk out the door. Your energy drip can provide longer-lasting energy compared to a caffeine drink while also hydrating your body and even boosting your mood and immunity.

To learn more about how IV therapy can fight fatigue, please call Wellness Infusion Specialists in Pearland. Whether you are a busy mom, corporate professional or elite athlete, we have an IV Energy Drip to help you feel and perform your best.