Ketamine Treatment for CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome)

Ketamine Treatment for CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome)

Chronic pain can be crippling. Individuals can struggle with focusing and performing simple daily tasks. In addition, the debilitating pain can lead to isolation from family and friends and significantly impact your mental health. Ketamine treatment for complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a safe and effective option when other treatment options have failed to provide relief.

What is Complex Regional Pain Syndrome?

Complex regional pain syndrome is a health condition consisting of chronic pain, swelling and other symptoms. This condition is most diagnosed after a soft tissue injury in the arm or leg. While the cause of CRPS is not completely understood, many doctors believe that CRPS results from dysfunction within the central or peripheral nervous system. As a result, it can be frequently misdiagnosed, and many patients can receive ineffective treatments that do not alleviate their symptoms. In addition, these treatments can involve medications with side effects that can cause serious health conditions and addiction.

The dysfunction in the nervous system of individuals with CRPS increases the intensity and number of pain signals within the body over time. A mild touch can cause excess pain. In addition, damaged nerves can create muscle weakness and shrinkage. As a result, individuals may experience difficulty controlling certain muscle movements. Ketamine for CRPS helps block and reset this pain signaling process so individuals can regain control.

How Does Ketamine Treatment for CRPS Work?

Ketamine treatment for CRPS can be effective when other treatment options like therapy and medication are ineffective. The dissociative anesthetic is delivered directly into the bloodstream to help achieve fast and long-lasting relief. Treatments are conducted over several weeks in a safe and comfortable environment under the supervision of a board certified anesthesiologist. The effects can be noticeable right away, depending on the severity of the symptoms.

Conquer Chronic Pain with Ketamine for CRPS

If you have been diagnosed with CRPS, you may want to strongly consider ketamine for CRPS as a treatment option to help you conquer chronic pain. The board certified anesthesiologists at Wellness Infusion Specialists have been helping individuals overcome chronic pain symptoms for over 22 years. Schedule a telephone consultation today to determine if ketamine for CRPS is right for you.