Hangover Drip

Hangover Drip

After a fun night out, you may have woken up the next day feeling awful. This is because excess alcohol can dehydrate your system, leaving you nauseous and suffering from a splitting headache. A hangover drip helps you recover from the effects of too much alcohol in your system so you can feel better faster. As a result, you can feel refreshed and ready to tackle your day with minimal side effects that you may get from prescribed medications.

Hangover Symptoms

Excess alcohol consumption can create several hangover symptoms. Alcohol can have a diuretic effect leading to dry mouth and extreme thirst. A hangover drip can quench this thirst with hydration more efficiently than drinking water alone. A hangover can make you feel dizzy and unable to concentrate. You may experience a lack of appetite, nausea and headaches. Lowered blood sugar levels can lead to fatigue, irritability and muscle weakness.

What is a Hangover Drip?

A hangover drip contains a blend of fluids, vitamins, electrolytes and medications to detoxify your body. Individuals can experience relief within an hour after treatment. A board certified anesthesiologist delivers the vitamin therapy directly into the bloodstream through an IV drip. Ingredients can include vitamin B complex, zinc and magnesium to help flush toxins and reduce inflammation. An anti-nausea or pain medication can be added as needed for hangover relief.

Ideal Candidates for a Hangover Drip

A hangover drip can be highly beneficial for an individual experiencing vomiting or diarrhea after the consumption of excess alcohol. These symptoms can create dehydration from rapid loss of fluids. Some medical conditions may interfere with your ability to receive this treatment method. A consultation with a board certified anesthesiologist can help you determine if this treatment is right for you.

Recover Faster with a Hangover Drip

While not a cure, a hangover drip can help you feel better after excess alcohol consumption. There is no need to spend the entire day at home in bed feeling awful. Wellness Infusion Specialists can create a customized treatment to fit your needs so you can enjoy the rest of your day after a night of partying. Schedule a free telephone consultation today to see if you are an ideal candidate.