Are You Dehydrated?

Did you know that nearly 60% of the human body is composed of water? Regardless of your age, sex or ethnicity, your body needs adequate hydration to survive. In fact, the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine determined that an adequate daily fluid intake is: about 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men and about 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day for women. Are you getting enough?

There are many factor that can alter the recommended water intake for each person. For example, certain medications can trigger dehydration or heavy exercise can induce the need more fluids than the average person. There can also be acute bouts of dehydration, such as after running a big race or having the stomach virus as well as chronic dehydration. When you don’t get enough fluids on a regular basis, your body and overall health will suffer. Every cell in the human body needs fluids to function.

Signs of Poor Fluid Intake

Being dehydrated, however, isn’t always obvious. There are many people who assume they are properly hydrated but could feel so much better if more fluids were introduced into their body. If you are suffering from the following symptoms, poor fluid intake could be the problem:

  • Fatigue
  • Dark-colored urine and low urine output
  • Dry skin, decreased skin elasticity, and cracked lips
  • Headaches
  • Light-headedness and dizziness
  • Heart palpitations
  • Low blood pressure
  • Poor concentration and altered mental state

The Hydration Drip Solution

Once you are dehydrated, it’s can be difficult to regain sufficient fluids in a timely manner. Instead of forcing yourself to guzzle water and suffering gastric discomfort, you can quickly and safely get hydrated with IV drip services from Wellness Infusion Specialists. Our hydration drip therapy sends fluids, vitamin and electrolytes directly to your bloodstream for faster and more efficient absorption. Not only will you feel better after one single Hydration Drip therapy, but it can help boost your immune system, flush out harmful toxins and improve cognitive function.

If you suspect that your body is dehydrated or you’ve recently been sick or training hard, we invite you to consider the valued benefits of Hydration Drip Therapy at our Pearland clinic.